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Proposed Draft Zoning and Shoreline By-law Changes

Zoning By-law provisions are needed to implement the Downtown Commercial Area Official Plan designations and to lift the Interim Control By-law affecting certain properties on Innisfil Beach Road and Lakelands Avenue.
Staff are working on draft zoning provisions, and considering the following changes:
  • a maximum of four storeys near 25 Sideroad and gradually lowered to a maximum of two storeys near Lake Simcoe
  • Enhanced setbacks to existing residential zones
  • Provisions to support a traditional main street building form on Innisfil Beach Road
  • Imposing restrictions on some uses (e.g. managing noise impacts)
The properties directly impacted by the changes are indicated on the Notice for Open House and Public Meeting.

Please note a concurrent change to the Our Shore Community Planning Permit By-law (062-17) is also proposed, to allow five Lakelands Avenue properties abutting the lake to be regulated under the Town Zoning By-law (080-13).

Your Voice

A public open house will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Town Hall Community Room A on February 18, 2020 for the purpose of sharing and discussing options for the proposal. Planning staff and councilors for wards 3 and 4 will be present to discuss the proposed changes and to gather feedback. 

A public meeting will follow at 6:00 PM on March 18, 2020 at Town Hall Council Chambers where the public will have an opportunity to ask questions and make comments in front of Council. No decision will be made the night of the public meeting. 
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