Changes to Land Use Rainbow Beach, Bonny Hills

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10 August 2016, Council decided to publicly exhibit proposed changes to the local environmental plan (LEP) for land at 1350 Ocean Drive, between Lake Cathie and Bonny Hills, known as Rainbow Beach.

The proposed changes are aimed at aiding development of the residential area, town centre and open space corridor approved by the State government in March 2012. For more information on these approvals, please refer to the Department of Planning & Environment’s website:

The proposed changes to the LEP are intended to reflect these current approvals.

The purpose and general effect of the proposed changes are to encourage efficient development in this well-located area and increase housing choice in the Port Macquarie-Hastings. Also on exhibition is a complementary suite of draft development control provisions (DCP) to support the changes proposed to the LEP by providing additional detail.

These changes set up zoning, height, floor space and acoustic control layers in the LEP maps and will help to facilitate:

  • a new village centre incorporating space for a Council community facility
  • about 75 hectares of open space and environmental corridor and constructed wetland
  • a second school site (the first already built - Lake Cathie Public School)
  • regional sports fields

The key benefits to the community include:

  • By taking a coordinated approach, approvals are likely to be quicker and housing will get to the market sooner
  • The range of zones will provide a wide mix of housing choice, from detached houses on larger lots to townhouses and dual occupancies
  • The town centre will ultimately include a new multipurpose community facility to service the new community
  • The environmental corridor provides amenity and opportunities for walking and cycling and access to nearby Rainbow Beach as well as protecting important habitat

Recently, you may have noticed a major subdivision application at this address. While related, the subdivision application and these proposed planning changes are separate processes. Please take care to ensure your submission is recorded against the correct process.

10 August 2016, Council decided to publicly exhibit proposed changes to the local environmental plan (LEP) for land at 1350 Ocean Drive, between Lake Cathie and Bonny Hills, known as Rainbow Beach.

The proposed changes are aimed at aiding development of the residential area, town centre and open space corridor approved by the State government in March 2012. For more information on these approvals, please refer to the Department of Planning & Environment’s website:

The proposed changes to the LEP are intended to reflect these current approvals.

The purpose and general effect of the proposed changes are to encourage efficient development in this well-located area and increase housing choice in the Port Macquarie-Hastings. Also on exhibition is a complementary suite of draft development control provisions (DCP) to support the changes proposed to the LEP by providing additional detail.

These changes set up zoning, height, floor space and acoustic control layers in the LEP maps and will help to facilitate:

  • a new village centre incorporating space for a Council community facility
  • about 75 hectares of open space and environmental corridor and constructed wetland
  • a second school site (the first already built - Lake Cathie Public School)
  • regional sports fields

The key benefits to the community include:

  • By taking a coordinated approach, approvals are likely to be quicker and housing will get to the market sooner
  • The range of zones will provide a wide mix of housing choice, from detached houses on larger lots to townhouses and dual occupancies
  • The town centre will ultimately include a new multipurpose community facility to service the new community
  • The environmental corridor provides amenity and opportunities for walking and cycling and access to nearby Rainbow Beach as well as protecting important habitat

Recently, you may have noticed a major subdivision application at this address. While related, the subdivision application and these proposed planning changes are separate processes. Please take care to ensure your submission is recorded against the correct process.

Page published: 20 Feb 2017, 12:58 PM